Docker ENV for Python variables Docker ENV for Python variables docker docker

Docker ENV for Python variables

Within your python code you can read env variables like:

import osusername = os.environ['MY_USER']password = os.environ['MY_PASS']print("Running with user: %s" % username)

Then when you run your container you can set these variables:

docker run -e MY_USER=test -e MY_PASS=12345 ... <image-name> ...

This will set the env variable within the container and these will be later read by the python script (

More info on os.environ and docker env

In your Python code you can do something like this:

 # USERNAME = os.getenv('NAME_OF_ENV_VARIABLE','default_value_if_no_env_var_is_set') USERNAME = os.getenv('USERNAME', 'test')

Then you can create a docker-compose.yml file to run your dockerfile with:

version: '2'services:  python-container:    image: python-image:latest    environment:      - USERNAME=test      - PASSWORD=12345

You will run the compose file with:

$ docker-compose up

All you need to remember is to build your dockerfile that you mentioned in your question with:

$ docker build -t python-image .

Let me know if that helps. I hope that answers your question.

FROM python:3MAINTAINER <>ENV username=test    password=12345RUN mkdir /dir/nameRUN cd /dir/name && pip3 install -r requirements.txtWORKDIR /dir/nameENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/python", "./"]