Docker fails in Visual Studio 2017, how do i get docker to run in VS2017 Docker fails in Visual Studio 2017, how do i get docker to run in VS2017 docker docker

Docker fails in Visual Studio 2017, how do i get docker to run in VS2017

This looks like you have used Docker Toolbox, Toolbox requires an additional step to work properly. You should try running this:

(assuming the default machine exists)

docker-machine env default

At the end of that command there will be a note of a command that you have to run depending on the shell environment. For cmd it will look like @for ... And for powershell it will look like an invoke-expression ...

Make sure you run that command, this is very important! Then test the Docker daemon using this:

docker info

As a side note those warning about the keyring are not really important, this is just because you are running on Windows and it will have no negative effect.

Hope this helps!

I had this same issue, removing the edge version of docker and installing the stable version resolved it for me.

I had the same problem using VS2017 and Windows 7, while trying to debug and run applications from VS2017.The problem seems to be that VS can to access the environmental variables needed by docker.The solution that worked for me was to execute from a CMD or PS the command docker-machine env default and then set these values as environmental values at Windows as shown in the following image

Windows Add Environmental Variables