Docker image with python3, chromedriver, chrome & selenium Docker image with python3, chromedriver, chrome & selenium docker docker

Docker image with python3, chromedriver, chrome & selenium


It has python installed:

$ docker run selenium/standalone-chrome python3 --versionPython 3.5.2

The instructions indicate you start it with

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size=2g selenium/standalone-chrome


To allow selenium to run through python it appears you need to install the packages. Create this Dockerfile:

FROM selenium/standalone-chromeUSER rootRUN wget python3 get-pip.pyRUN python3 -m pip install selenium

Then you could run it with

docker build . -t selenium-chrome && \    docker run -it selenium-chrome python3

The advantage compared to the plain python docker image is that you won't need to install the chromedriver itself since it comes from selenium/standalone-chrome.

I like Harald's solution.However, as of 2021, my environment needed some modifications.

Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88

I changed the Dockerfile as follows.

FROM selenium/standalone-chromeUSER rootRUN apt-get update && apt-get install python3-distutils -yRUN wget python3 get-pip.pyRUN python3 -m pip install selenium

It uses python3 as base image and install chromedriver, chrome and selenium (as a pip package) to build. I used the alpine based python3 version for myself, as the image size is smaller.

$ cd [your working directory]$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/usr/workspace joyzoursky/python-chromedriver:3.6-alpine3.7-selenium sh/ # cd /usr/workspace

See if the images suit your case, as you could pip install selenium with other packages together by a requirements.txt file to build your own image, or take reference from the Dockerfiles of this.

If you want to pip install more packages apart from selenium, you could build your own image as this example:

First, in your working directory, you may have a requirements.txt storing the package versions you want to install:

selenium==3.8.0requests==2.18.4urllib3==1.22... (your list of packages)

Then create the Dockerfile in the same directory like this:

FROM joyzoursky/python-chromedriver:3.6-alpine3.7RUN mkdir packagesADD requirements.txt packagesRUN pip install -r packages/requirements.txt

Then build the image:

docker build -t yourimage .

This differs with the selenium official one as selenium is installed as a pip package to a python base image. Yet it is hosted by individual so may have higher risk of stopping maintenance.