Docker Jupyter Token Authenticaion : Invalid Credential Docker Jupyter Token Authenticaion : Invalid Credential docker docker

Docker Jupyter Token Authenticaion : Invalid Credential

I also had same problem, if you are using Windows: start jupyter and go to Anaconda Prompt and use this command:

jupyter notebook list

command output:

Currently running servers:

http://localhost:8888/?token=9a24db0b60370b1cb3fed2fb06b3acd316c59f50388e3711 :: C:\Users\user_name

http://localhost:8888/?token=10a787bf262f214bd14ef31f869f3090f126ba252443a048 :: C:\Users\user_name

I copy pasted the second token 10a787bf262f214bd14ef31f869f3090f126ba252443a048 from the second URL and then it worked!!

I think you need to:

  1. shutdown all the opening notebooks, as the port 8888 might be used by another one.
  2. map container port 8888 to your localhost port 8888
docker run -p 8888:8888 <your image>