Docker login auth token Docker login auth token docker docker

Docker login auth token

Auth is simply a base64 encoded 'username:password' string. You can get it with the following command:

echo -n 'username:password' | base64

If you are using Kubernetes, and you need it for creating the registry password just run:

kubectl create secret docker-registry --dry-run=true docker-regcred \--docker-server= \--docker-username=xxx \--docker-password=xxx \ \--namespace=xxx \-o yaml > docker-secret.yaml

This will create docker-secret.yaml with your JSON there.if you dont include --dry-run=client and -o yaml > docker-secret.yaml It will create the k8s secret.

Using credential store is more secure than storing base64 encoded credentials in config.json file. In your case docker is using the native keychain of the Mac OS (i.e. osxkeychain) as the credential store.

Now for the problem of getting credentials from the osxkeychain you can use docker-credential-helpers.

Steps to get the credential (in terminal):

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Extract and move it to /usr/local/bin or add it's path to the $PATH variable. So that you are able to access it globally.
  3. Execute this command in terminal echo "<server-url>" | docker-credential-osxkeychain get. In case you want to find out the server-url use this command docker-credential-osxkeychain list.

Get credential in go code:

package mainimport (    "fmt"    osx "")func main() {    p := osx.NewShellProgramFunc("docker-credential-osxkeychain")    creds, err := osx.Get(p, "server-url")    if err != nil {        fmt.Println(err)    }    fmt.Printf("Got credentials for user `%s` in `%s` with secret `%s` \n", creds.Username, creds.ServerURL, creds.Secret)}