Docker: Looks something went wrong in step Looking for vboxmanage.exe Docker: Looks something went wrong in step Looking for vboxmanage.exe docker docker

Docker: Looks something went wrong in step Looking for vboxmanage.exe

The same thing happened to me. At this moment I am using Windows Home.

At least in my case, what happened was that the environment variables DOCKER_MACHINE and DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH were not created for the system.

I just had to add them and it worked.


Solved the problem by cleaning my .bashrc file.More specific, i removed the cd , which makes perfectly sense.

For me, the problem was that the DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALLPATH was only set for the user used to escalate priviligies at installation. When I run Docker Quickstart as my regular user, the DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALLPATH variable is empty, producing the error.Setting DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALLPATH system wide solved the problem.