Docker Network not Found Docker Network not Found docker docker

Docker Network not Found

If you are attempting to add a container to an existing network that no longer exists, then you can use docker-compose up --force-recreate. I found this GitHub issues comment to be a helpful overview.

You can always use docker system prune -a to get rid of the old network. This will not delete your volumes.
It will take longer to docker-compose up --build -d the next time, but it will get you past your current problem.

After using the docker prune command, I was unable to launch the docker container on a network.

The following errors stated:

ERROR: for jekyll-serve Cannot start service jekyll-serve: network b52287167caf352c7a03c4e924aaf7d78e2bc372c703560c003acc758c013432 not found ERROR: Encountered errors while bring up the project.

docker system prune enabled me to begin using docker-compose up again.

More info here: