Docker Node App Postgres Error "Connection terminated unexpectedly" Docker Node App Postgres Error "Connection terminated unexpectedly" docker docker

Docker Node App Postgres Error "Connection terminated unexpectedly"

I change the way I explain answer:You basically need Postgres service, in your image you don't have it, you are basically using node image without running Postgres database.

Try this docker-compose.yml

version: "3.7"services:  api:    container_name: api    build: .    depends_on:      - postgres    volumes:      - .:/api    ports:      - "3000:3000"    restart: unless-stopped    working_dir: /api    command: nodemon server.js  postgres:    image: postgres:10.4    ports:      - "35432:5432"

Edit 1

Host machine

version: "3.7"services:  api:    container_name: api    build: .    volumes:      - .:/api    ports:      - "3000:3000"      - "5432:5432"    restart: unless-stopped    working_dir: /api    command: nodemon server.js