Docker port forwarding not working Docker port forwarding not working docker docker

Docker port forwarding not working

A very common problem can be this:

Bind your app inside Docker to, not to address to let Docker reach the app inside container.

Port 7000 on the host is redirecting to port 8000 in the container, but is anything listening on that port in the container?

Your docker run command is a bit odd: -it is for running a container interactively with a terminal attached; -d is for running detached, in the background; bash at the end overrides whatever the image configures as the startup command, which is why I think there's nothing listening on port 8000.

Try running the simplest NGINX container with this:

docker run -d -p 8081:80 nginx:alpine

And then verify you can get to the homepage:

curl http://localhost:8081

If that's working then I'd look at how you're running your image.

Partial Answer:

Now I solved this problem partially, While i try without bash in create a container and change my port to 3000(-p 3000:80) it worked for me.

Before Command:

     docker run -it -d --name containerName -h -v /var/www/html -p 3000:80 --net mynetwork --ip --privileged myimagename  bash

After Command:

    docker run -it -d --name containerName -h -v /var/www/html -p 3000:80 --net mynetwork --ip --privileged myimagename


execute the container with bin/bash

  docker exec -it containerName bin/bash

Now , works locally Connected Another machine.

 hostmachineip:3000 I don't know docker have any port restrictions.But This solution works for me.