docker postgres pgadmin local connection docker postgres pgadmin local connection docker docker

docker postgres pgadmin local connection

It's a valid question don't know why people feel "doesn't seem possible to answer that question".

So, here's how I do what you are trying to do:

  1. Pull postgres image from Docker Hub

    docker pull postgres:latest
  2. Run the container using the below command

    docker run -p 5432:5432 postgres
  3. Using docker's inspect command find the IP

  4. Use that IP, PORT, Username, and Password to connect in PGADMIN

  5. You can also do a simple telnet like below to confirm if you can access docker postgres container:

    telnet IP_ADDRESS 5432

What I have done success on windows 10 running docker for windows 1.12.6(9655), the step is like below:

  1. Pull the latest postgres

    docker pull postgres:latest

  2. run the postgres containner:

    docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password123 --name db-my -p 5432:5432 --restart=always postgres

  3. Then installed the latest version of pgAdmin4 frompgadmin website

  4. Run pgAdmin 4 create new server, and input as followingHost: 5432User name: userpassword: password123

  5. Then everything is ok, connect to docker postgres instance success.

Alternatively, you could combine Postgres and Pgadmin in one docker-compose file, and login as user, pwd: admin. To add the Posgres server, use hostname postgres, port 5432.

version: '3'services:  postgres:    image: postgres    hostname: postgres    ports:      - "6543:5432"    environment:      POSTGRES_USER: postgres      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres      POSTGRES_DB: TEST_SM    volumes:      - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data    restart: unless-stopped  pgadmin:    image: dpage/pgadmin4    depends_on:      - postgres    ports:      - "5555:80"    environment:      PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL:      PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: admin    restart: unless-stoppedvolumes:  postgres-data: