Docker - Prometheus container dies immediately Docker - Prometheus container dies immediately docker docker

Docker - Prometheus container dies immediately

Config format is changed. targets come under static_config in the latest version.

scrape_configs:# Scrape Prometheus itself every 2 seconds.  - job_name: 'prometheus'  scrape_interval: 2s  static_configs:      - targets: ['localhost:9090', 'cadvisor:8080']

Prometheus Documentation for further help

Yes, target_groups is renamed to static_configs. Please use the latest Prometheus image with the following.

static_configs:  - targets: ['localhost:9090', 'cadvisor:8080']

The above worked for me.

I think target_groups have been deprecated from scrape_configs in latest version of can try static_configs or file_sd_config


scrape_configs:  - job_name: node_exporter    static_configs:      - targets:         - "stg-elk-app-01:9100"         - "stg-app-02:9100"