Docker Swarm host cannot resolve hosts on other nodes Docker Swarm host cannot resolve hosts on other nodes docker docker

Docker Swarm host cannot resolve hosts on other nodes

Let us break the solution into parts. Each part tries to give you an idea about the solution and is interconnected with each other.

Docker container network

Whenever we create a container without specifying network, docker attaches it to default bridge network. According to this,. Service discovery is unavailable in the default network. Hene in order to maker service discovery work properly we are supposed to create a user-defined network as it provides isolation, DNS resolution and many more features. All these things are applicable when we use docker run command.

When docker-compose is used to run a container and network is not specified, it creates its own bridge network. which has all the properties of the user-defined networks.

These bridge networks are not attachable by default, But they allow docker containers in the local machine to connect to them.

Docker swarm network

In Docker swarm and swarm mode routing mesh Whenever we deploy a service to it without specifying an external network it connects to the ingress network.

When you specify an external overlay network you can notice that the created overlay network will be available only to the manager and not in the worker node unless a service is created and is replicated to it. These are also not attachable by default and does not allow other containers outside swarm services to connect to them. So you don't need to declare a network as attachable until you connect a container to it outside swarm.

Docker Swarm

As there is no pre defined/official limit on no of worker/manager nodes, You should be able to connect from the third node. One possibility is that the node might be connected as a worker node but you might try to deploy a container in that node which is restricted by the worker node if the overlay network is not attachable.

And moreover, you can't deploy a service directly in the worker node. All the services are deployed in the manager node and it takes care of replicating and scaling the services based on config and mode provided.


As mentioned in Getting started with swarm mode

  • TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications
  • TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes
  • UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic
  • ip protocol 50 (ESP) for encrypted overlay network

These ports should be whitelisted for communication between nodes. Most firewalls need to be reloaded once you make changes. This can be done by passing reload option to the firewall and it varies between Linux distributions. ufw doesn't need to be reloaded but needs commit if rules are added in file.

Extra steps to be followed in firewall

Apart from whitelisting the above ports. You may need to whitelist docker0,docker_gw_bridge,br-123456 ip address with netmask of 16. Else service discovery will not work in same host machine. i.e If you are trying to connect to eureka in where the eureka service is in same it will not resolve as firewall will block the traffic. Refer this (NO ROUTE TO HOST network request from container to host-ip:port published from other container)


Sometimes Java works weird such that it throws and similar exceptions. I've my own experience of such case with the solution as well. Here ping resolved properly but Java rmi was throwing an error. So, You can define your own custom alias when you attach to a user-defined network.

Docker service discovery

By default, you can resolve to a service by using container name. Apart from that, you can also resolve a service as <container_name>.<network_name>. Of course, you can define alias as well. And even you can resolve it as <alias_name>.<network_name>.


So you should create a user-defined overlay network after joining the swarm and then should deploy services. In the services, You should mention the external network as defined here along with making changes in the firewall.

If you want to allow external containers to connect to the network you should make the network attachable.

Since you haven't provided enough details on what's happening with third server. I assume that you are trying to deploy a container there which is denied by docker overlay network as the network is not attachable.

You need to create a network for the services, like this:

version: '3'services:  eureka:    image: demo-eurekaserver    networks:      - main    ports:      - "8761:8761"  web:    image: demo-web    networks:      - main    environment:      - EUREKA_SERVER_ADDRESS=http://eureka:8761/eureka  zuul:    image: demo-zuul    networks:      - main    environment:      - EUREKA_SERVER_ADDRESS=http://eureka:8761/eureka    ports:      - "8762:8762"  bookservice:    image: demo-bookservice    networks:      - main    environment:      - EUREKA_SERVER_ADDRESS=http://eureka:8761/eurekanetworks:  main:    driver: overlay    attachable: true

The attachable: true is so that you can connect to this network from another compose file (you can remove it if this is not the case)

I finally found the answer. The problem was that I was not rebooting the host machines after adding the firewall exceptions.

I updated the version of the compose file to "3.3" because according to the docs, the "endpoint_mode: dnsrr" is only available from version 3.3.

With this change in place I was able to get it working.

Thanks to all for taking the time to look at my problem to try to resolve it.