Docker Swarm Mode Error: Joining Two Workers To One Manager Docker Swarm Mode Error: Joining Two Workers To One Manager docker docker

Docker Swarm Mode Error: Joining Two Workers To One Manager

Swarm is supported on windows but you shouldn't be using docker ce and linux containers on windows server. Docker ce for windows uses hyperv linux virtual machine and win server 2016 had a lot of issuses with hyperv networking.

I was also trying win server 2016 with docker ee in swarm but due to multiple limitations I abandoned that idea until newer version of windows server come along.

You should try either windows server that is abover 1803 where Microsoft finally allowed exposing ports to host. Therefore I'd recommend for you using windows server core 1803 or 1809, or using windows server 2019 (which is 1809)

And switch to windows containers on windows. For linux containers use linux host. Will save you a lot of headaches.