Docker Swarm Windows Worker with Traefik returns Gateway Timeout Docker Swarm Windows Worker with Traefik returns Gateway Timeout docker docker

Docker Swarm Windows Worker with Traefik returns Gateway Timeout

You're missing setting --endpoint-mode=dnsrr to your whoami service.

docker service create \--name whoami \--label traefik.enable=true \--label traefik.frontend.rule=Host:whoami.docker \--label traefik.protocol=http \--label \--label traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method=drr \--label traefik.backend=whoami \--network traefik-net \--mode global\--label traefik.port=80 \--endpoint-mode=dnsrrstefanscherer/whoami

Setting endpoint-mode dnsrr will disable VIP address which probably is causing the issue.

I had the same problem when using the stefanscherer/whoami image. Using microsoft/dotnet-samples:aspnetapp works though, so the error seems related to the image.

I'm using the following setup:

Ubuntu 16.04

  • Docker 18.03.1-ce
  • Run as Manager
  • Runs traefik

Windows 1803

  • Docker 18.03.1-ee-2
  • Runs as Worker (joining as Manager did not work)
  • Runs microsoft/dotnet-samples:aspnetapp