Docker windows containers file access permission issues Docker windows containers file access permission issues docker docker

Docker windows containers file access permission issues

I did not identify the issue between host/container permissions, but the way I brought up the container allowed the issue to happen. By changing my setup process, I was able to correct this.

Initial creation (that failed permissions on the created folder):

  1. Create blank folder on host machine.
  2. Link as volume with compose to container internal folder (all of C:\bamboo-home in this case). This is the folder that Bamboo will place all it's configuration/workspace stuff.
  3. Setup product inside container, everything works except failure of the cipher folder. Didn't notice issue until this step.

New creation (that works properly):

  1. Create blank folder on host machine.
  2. Link as volume with compose to container internal folder (C:\empty, in this case). This does NOT link to C:\bamboo-home, which will be made internally in the running container as required.
  3. Setup the product inside container. Once complete, copy all files from the container's folder to the new blank folder created. This way, the permissions are set in a consistent way inside the container itself, and the issues from before were mitigated.