Dockerfile cmd returns Yarn integrity error but Docker run works fine Dockerfile cmd returns Yarn integrity error but Docker run works fine docker docker

Dockerfile cmd returns Yarn integrity error but Docker run works fine

You can compare your Dockerfile+docker-compose.yml with this one and see if there is nay difference (like using RUN yarn install --check-files) which would make the error message disappear.

Another example (Dockerfile+docker-compose.yml) is used in "Running a Rails app with Webpacker and Docker" from Dirk de Kok

In both instances, the application is started with docker-compose up.
And they have followed, as you have, the recommendations of rails/webpacker issue 1568 (regarding config.webpacker.check_yarn_integrity = false in config/environments/development.rb)

It worked today. No code was changed, it just decided to work. I tried running docker-compose run web rm -rf / to start over, but it ignored that command then started working. C'est la vie. @vonc thanks for the effort, I'll reward you.

Edit: It returned. This time I fixed it using

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Warning: This destroys all your containers. Do not use this if you have data inside your volumes.

The cause of the problem was experimenting with creating a Dockerfile and the compose was not clearing out a layer of the volume. docker-compose run is different than docker-compose up because run creates a new layer on top of the docker volume to execute the command, essentially creating a new container. Docker itself was failing to apply the changes to an old layer.

making config.webpacker.check_yarn_integrity = false is not a good idea.

It occurs due to version incompatibility.


rails webpacker:install

It should solve your problem.

if not try

$ rm yarn.lock$ yarn cache clean$ yarn install