Does Jenkins Pipeline Plug-in support Docker Compose? Does Jenkins Pipeline Plug-in support Docker Compose? docker docker

Does Jenkins Pipeline Plug-in support Docker Compose?

After searching in Jenkins bug tracking, JENKINS-35025 suggests docker-compose.yml is taken into account when running a job in a docker container, using a maven build.

See also Creating CI pipeline with Jenkins, which assumes docker-compose is installed on your Jenkins server.

Note: a year later (August 2017), docker-compose is still not supported in the Docker Pipeline plugin

July 2018, Ivan Aracki notes in the comments:

Manually installing docker-cli and docker-compose with the same version as host's is the solution for now...

Here are the files to run a jenkins container that runs docker inside:

docker run \  -p 8080:8080 \  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \  --name jenkins \  getintodevops/jenkins-withdocker:lts


I am facing a similar problem, I found this but I do not know what is related to.

My problem is test while developing, and also automate the test in Jenkins, and I am using docker-compose to bring up some php scripts AND a mysql server, to run isolated tests (phpunit as of now).

I could think I can achieve this by

  1. creating a network in docker host (with docker network create)
  2. create and run a mysql docker attached to that network (with docker run mysql --network=netname --name=mysqlmachine
  3. run scripts by jenkins specifying --network and refering to mysqlmachine as host.

But this would means I need to setup db data, cleanup db data, and also leave always on the mysqlmachine even when not needed, consuming some ram resource. I can solve last problem with docker start mysqlmachine and docker stop mysqlmachine command in my Jenkinsfile defining the pipeline.

But, again, executing a shell into the docker where jenkins is running I can not find docker command

For me is a viable solution untill I can not find something better

UPDATE:I will try the solution, it has almost what I need

UPDATE 08.02:as suggest by Alexander Zeitler, using

agent {        docker {            image 'pdmlab/jenkins-node-docker-agent:6.11.1'            args '-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'        }    }

in Jenkins file allow the use of docker-compose command: docker inside a docker, that is mostly docker near a docker as detailed here: Docker in Docker - volumes not working: Full of files in 1st level container, empty in 2nd tier

But I preferred to use another approach, that does not require to run jenkins in a special way.

The pipeline say:

stage('Test') {    steps {        sh './ jenkinstests'    }}

and does:

 jenkinstests) docker volume create idealodbconn docker run -v idealodbconn:/data --name helper busybox true docker cp ./dbconn/db249.json helper:/data docker rm helper docker-compose -f services/docker-compose-jenkins.yml up \ --abort-on-container-exit \ --exit-code-from idealoifapi docker-compose -f services/docker-compose-jenkins.yml rm -f docker volume rm idealodbconn ;;

Also here --abort-on-container-exit say to exit once one container defined into docker-compose-jenkins.yml exits, and --exit-code-from idealoifapi says to take exit code from idealoifapi image.

That is all. Missing part, maybe, is the docker-compose-jenkins.yml use of volume, it is external: true:

volumes:    idealodbconn:        external: true