Enable SSL on Confluence with Docker on Synology Enable SSL on Confluence with Docker on Synology docker docker

Enable SSL on Confluence with Docker on Synology

It depends if your NAS is accessible from the internet or not. If it is, this is how to do it if we want to access Confluence through, for example, https://confluence.somecoolname.synology.me:8998

I wrote a full walkthough here: https://www.giuliomenna.net/confluence-on-synology-nas-via-docker-and-with-lets-encrypt-ssl/ but the part that interests you should be this:

  1. Create a sub-domain for Confluence with the Reverse Proxy possibilities on your Synology NAS
  2. Assign it a Let's Encrypt certificate

So:From the DSM homepage, go to:

Control Panel > Application Portal

Select "Reverse Proxy" in the top menu.

Click on "Create" and a new window will appear.

Fill as follows (this is based on the example scenario we mentioned above)



  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Hostname: localhost
  • Port: (your Confluence's DockerLocal port)

Press "OK"

Next, assign it a Let's Encrypt certificate:

DSM > Control Pannel > Security

Select the "Certificate" tab

Click on "Add"

Select "Add a new certificate" and click Next

Select "Get a certificate from Let's Encrypt" and click Next (do NOT select "Set as default certificate")

  • Domain name: confluence.somecoolname.synology.me
  • Email: your email
  • Subject Alternative Name: you may leave this empty

Click "Apply"

While still in DSM > Control Pannel > Security, select your newly created certificate and click on "Configure" (next to "Add")

The "Configure" tab appears.

In the column "Services" you will find https://confluence.somecoolname.synology.me:8998 - click on the dropdown under "Certificate" and select the confluence.somecoolname.synology.me (the certificate you have just created.)

Now confluence.somecoolname.synology.me:8998 is protected with an SSL certificate and when you will enter your password and username, it will be secured.

This is really the tip of the Iceberg though:

You will have to open port 8998 on your router (think of the security implications though, before you go ahead) and Tomcat will not be happy.