Error 500 when called index.php in laravel application (Windows environment) Error 500 when called index.php in laravel application (Windows environment) docker docker

Error 500 when called index.php in laravel application (Windows environment)

From the top of my head, these are the errors that I faced when setting up laravel:

1- Directory storage permissions

2- Directory bootstrap permissions

3- composer update

4- .env file is available

5- .env key is generated

6- database is there

7- database is configured correctly in .env

8- php artisan serve if the virtual server not configured

and if i got any of those i restart the server to update the values.

if the application was a repo and gave an error, sometimes the below artisan commands save the day:

php artisan cache:clearphp artisan route:clearphp artisan config:clearphp artisan view:clear

500.19 errors usually occur when you have configuration files that are not well formed. Enable Detailed errors in IIS and reproduce the issue. You will get a clear idea as to what is going wrong.

To enable Detailed errors in IIS - Click on the website ---> HTTP Errors--->Edit Feature Settings---->Detailed Errors.

Or you can follow this as well -

You can use the import rule on IIS View Apache Import Rule

Take a look on stackoverflow thread Laravel .htaccess rewrite rule convertion to IIS

If nothing will helpful check the "storage" folder permission in your project. Usually 500 comes with write permission or mis-configuration of server, may be due write permission error, the laravel.log may be empty!