Error consume route ApiGateway with ocelot and docker service Error consume route ApiGateway with ocelot and docker service docker docker

Error consume route ApiGateway with ocelot and docker service

What version of Ocelot are you running?

I found another thread which has a similar looking problem and apparently from version 16.0.0 of Ocelot 'ReRoutes' was changed to 'Routes' in the Ocelot configuration file.

The thread I found was - 404 trying to route the Upstream path to downstream path in Ocelot

I fix it of this way:

  1. Change ReRoutes to Routes because ocelot version is 16.0.1

  2. Define config like:

    "Routes": [{"DownstreamPathTemplate": "/api/{version}/{everything}","DownstreamScheme": "http","DownstreamHostAndPorts": [{"Host": "tresfilos.users.service","Port": 7002}],"UpstreamPathTemplate": "/api/{version}/User/{everything}"},],"GlobalConfiguration": {"BaseUrl": "https://localhost:7001"}

  3. In postman i send the data in Body like json and not like paramaters.

(JasonS thanks)...