ERROR: Named volume "xplore:/root/xPlore/rtdata:rw" is used in service "dsearch" but no declaration was found in the volumes section ERROR: Named volume "xplore:/root/xPlore/rtdata:rw" is used in service "dsearch" but no declaration was found in the volumes section docker docker

ERROR: Named volume "xplore:/root/xPlore/rtdata:rw" is used in service "dsearch" but no declaration was found in the volumes section

This error often appears when you are trying to create a volume as a subfolder of your current host folder. In that case, the syntax would have to be:

volumes:    - ./centdb_odbc:/opt/dctm/odbc

In other words: The relative path "./" is missing!

When you map a directory, the source part must be either an absolute path, or a relative part that begins with ./ or ../. Otherwise, Docker interprets it as a Named Volume.

So instead of

volumes:    - xplore:/root/xPlore/rtdata

You should write:

volumes:    - ./xplore:/root/xPlore/rtdata

Volumes Command should be the last command in docker compose include volume names of all services together and run the docker compose. It will create containers.

volumes: xplore: {} centdb_data:    driver: local centdb_dba: centdb_share:    driver: local centdb_dfc: centdb_odbc: centdb_XhiveConnector: centdb_mdserver_conf: centdb_mdserver_log: centdb_mdserver_logs: centdb_Thumbnail_Server_conf: centdb_Thumbnail_Server_webinf: centdb_xhive_storage: