Error response from daemon: manifest for ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:latest not found Error response from daemon: manifest for ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:latest not found docker docker

Error response from daemon: manifest for ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:latest not found

As you can see on below link the tag is not available

You should use 1.0.1

 docker pull ibmblockchain/fabric-peer:1.0.1

If you're not specifying the tag then docker will download the latest tag by default.

This error may occur if the latest tag is not attached to the latest version of the image.

To solve the problem

Example:To install Jenkins, instead of running

docker pull jenkins

I would do

docker pull jenkins:2.60.3


i was also facing the same issue. Tarun's answer is correct. All you have to do is

open docker-compose.yml file and add hyperledger/fabric-peer:x86_64-1.0.2 or whichever you are pulling. close the file and run the docker-compose up command.