Error running docker container: No space left on device: "/data/db/journal" Error running docker container: No space left on device: "/data/db/journal" docker docker

Error running docker container: No space left on device: "/data/db/journal"

I fixed the problem cleaning the old volumes with the next command:

$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)


Update: 07/13/2018

Docker now has a built in command for removing dangling volumes: docker volume prune.

I fixed the error by resizing the disk of docker:

enter image description here

The Dockerfile for the mongo image shows that the /data/db path is using a Docker volume:

VOLUME /data/db /data/configdb

If you run:

docker inspect --format '{{ .Mounts }}' <your-container>

That will tell you where the data volume is being mapped on your Mac. If it's mapping to a drive which is low on space, you can start the container pointing to another location which does have space:

docker run -d -v <local-path-with-free-space>:/data/db mongo:3.3

Or add this to your Compose file:

volumes:  - <local-path-with-free-space>:/data/db