"Error saving credentials" in docker login "Error saving credentials" in docker login docker docker

"Error saving credentials" in docker login

This tip works for me (Ubuntu 18.04):

sudo apt updatesudo apt -V install gnupg2 pass

for me helped this commenthttps://github.com/docker/compose/issues/6023

don't do apt install docker-compose and if you did, remove it and itsdependencies

sudo apt remove docker-compose -y && sudo apt autoremove

Today i had the same issue after installing docker.io and docker-compose on a fresh ubuntu.After reading the link posted by Ryabchenko Alexander i tried the command he posted.

I then found out, if you remove docker-compose and reinstalling it, everything started to work like expected.So my solution to overcome this issue in Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt remove docker-compose -y && sudo apt autoremovesudo apt install docker-compose -y

Please check out the answer of Ryabchenko Alexander for the link and reasons why this issue exist.