File between backend a front end (full example) File between backend a front end (full example) docker docker

File between backend a front end (full example)

You can create a method in wich your return a file as a stream , the you assign the url of this last to your link button ,

@RequestMapping(value="getFile", method=RequestMethod.GET)public void getFile(HttpServletResponse response,HttpServletRequest request) {     String environmentName = request.getParameter("name");    //here the code to get your file as stream     //whether getting the file by Ressource or buffred ,    //here for example I named a getfileStream() method wihch return your file  InputStream    InputStream myStream  = getFileStream(environmentName);    // Set the content type and attachment header add filename and it's extention.    response.addHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=myfile.myExtention");    response.setContentType("txt/plain");    // copy your file stream to Response     IOUtils.copy(myStream, response.getOutputStream());    response.flushBuffer();}

in order to get the name parameter you just pass it to the modelview in the /report controller , an then assign it to your link .

As below :

@RequestMapping("/report")public ModelAndView report(HttpServletRequest request) {    String environmentName = request.getParameter("name");    ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("report");        model.addObject("name", environmentName);    return model;}

then your link would be like :

<a href="<c:url value="/getFile" />?name=${name}">Get file</a>

the getFileStream could be like :

public InputStream getFileStream(String environmentName) {    Container container = getContainerID(environmentName);    String url = "";    if(container != null) {        Settings settings = Settings.getSettings();        url = "http://" + settings.getDockerIP() + ":" + settings.getDockerPort() + "/containers/" + container.getId() + "/archive?path=/path/file";    }    InputStream is = new URL(url).openStream();    return is; }

You have to add the following appace common io to your project in order to use the IOUtils

<dependency>    <groupId>commons-io</groupId>    <artifactId>commons-io</artifactId>    <version>2.5</version></dependency>