Getting "broken pipe" when building Docker image using boot2docker Mac Getting "broken pipe" when building Docker image using boot2docker Mac docker docker

Getting "broken pipe" when building Docker image using boot2docker Mac

I logged into the VM boot2docker ssh, found the debug log at /var/lib/boot2docker/docker.log and noticed the first helpful messages:

2014/03/22 22:28:57 POST /v1.10/build?rm=1&t=foo[debug] api.go:942 Warning: client and server don't have the same version (client: 0.9.0, server: 0.8.0)[error] api.go:959 Error: Multipart upload for build is no longer supported. Please upgrade your docker client.[error] api.go:91 HTTP Error: statusCode=500 Multipart upload for build is no longer supported. Please upgrade your docker client.

So my Mac client (host) Docker was v.9 and the daemon was .8. Not wanting to fiddle with the boot2docker image, I downgraded the client version of Docker to .8 by running:

rm /usr/local/bin/dockercd ~/bin/curl -o docker cp ~/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/

Then my image built ok.