Getting "connection refused" when trying to access etcd from within a Docker container Getting "connection refused" when trying to access etcd from within a Docker container docker docker

Getting "connection refused" when trying to access etcd from within a Docker container

I observed I had to use the --advertise-client-urls and --listen-client-urls. Like so:

./etcd --advertise-client-urls ',' --listen-client-urls ','

Then I was able to successfully do

curl -L http://hostname:2379/version

from any machine that could reach that server and it worked.

It turns out etcd was only listening on localhost:4001 on that machine, which is why I couldn't access it from within a container. This is despite me configuring one of the listen client urls to

It turns out that I had run sudo systemctl enable etcd2, which caused it to run before the cloud-config service ran. As such, etcd started with default configuration instead of the one that I had specified in my cloud config. Running sudo systemctl disable etcd2 fixed the issue.