Graylog2 Docker unable to start Graylog2 Docker unable to start docker docker

Graylog2 Docker unable to start

As you have discovered, this seems to be a bug in the Dockerfile and a pull request was already made to fix the Dockerfile.

Or the readme file should state how to use Docker volumes to have logs written down either on a Docker data volume or directory on the Docker host file system.

If it were for me I would use a volume instead of fixing the Docker file because writing to a docker volume is faster than writing on a docker container file system. To do so, start your container with:

sudo docker run --name graylog2-updated -t --rm -e "GRAYLOG2_PASSWORD=password" -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/elasticsearch_logs:/opt/elasticsearch/logs/ sjoerdmulder/graylog2

$(pwd) will be replaced by the current directory you are in when running the command. Change this to any other location that suits you if you don't like that behavior.