How can I convert a Docker image into a (vagrant) VirtualBox box? How can I convert a Docker image into a (vagrant) VirtualBox box? docker docker

How can I convert a Docker image into a (vagrant) VirtualBox box?

Find the size of the docker image from docker images

REPOSITORY   TAG    IMAGE ID       CREATED             SIZEmybuntu   1.01   7c142857o35   2 weeks ago         1.94 GB

Run a container based on the image docker run mybuntu:1.01

Create a QEMU image from the container, Also, use the size of the image in the first command (seek=IMAGE_SIZE). And, for the docker export command retrieve the appropriate container id from docker ps -a

dd if=/dev/zero of=mybuntu.img bs=1 count=0 seek=2Gmkfs.ext2 -F mybuntu.imgsudo mount -o loop mybuntu.img /mntdocker export <CONTAINER-ID> | sudo tar x -C /mntsudo umount /mnt

Use qemu-utils to convert to vmdk

sudo apt-get install qemu-utilsqemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk mybuntu.img mybuntu.vmdk

More info on formats that are available for conversion can be found here. Now you can import the vmdk file in virtualbox

Provided that your target is VirtualBox, it could be probably better if you use Vagrant for the whole process.

Vagrant ships with a docker provisioner that could automatically install docker on the vm and build a Dockerfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|  config.vm.provision "docker" do |d|    d.build_image "/vagrant/app"  endend 

Once your image is built, you can produce a vagrant box using the vagrant package command.

This is the route I'm going to try:

This will allow me to setup/provision the machine using Docker, and then run it in Virtualbox controlled via vagrant.