How can I create a Docker image to run both Python and R? How can I create a Docker image to run both Python and R? docker docker

How can I create a Docker image to run both Python and R?

The Dockerfile I built for Python and R to run together with their dependencies in this manner is:

FROM ubuntu:latestENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential r-base r-cran-randomforest python3.6 python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devWORKDIR /appCOPY requirements.txt /app/requirements.txtRUN pip3 install -r requirements.txtRUN Rscript -e "install.packages('data.table')"COPY . /app

The commands to build the image, run the container (naming it SnakeR here), and execute the code are:

docker build -t my_image .docker run -it --name SnakeR my_imagedocker exec SnakeR /bin/sh -c "python3"

I treated it like a Ubuntu OS and built the image as follows:

  • suppress the prompts for choosing your location during the R install;
  • update the apt-get;
  • set installation criteria of:
    • y = yes to user prompts for proceeding (e.g. memory allocation);
    • install only the recommended, not suggested, dependencies;
  • include some essential installation packages for Ubuntu;
  • r-base for the R software;
  • r-cran-randomforest to force the package to be available (unlike the separate install of data.table which didn’t work for randomForest for some reason);
  • python3.6 version of python;
  • python3-pip to allow pip be used to install the requirements;
  • python3-setuptools to somehow help execute the pip installs (?!);
  • python3-dev to execute the JayDeBeApi installation as part of the requirements (that it otherwise confuses is for Python2 not 3);
  • specify the active “working directory” to be the /app location;
  • copy the requirements file that holds the python dependencies (built from the virtual environment of the Python codebase, e.g., with pip freeze);
  • install the Python packages from the requirements file (pip3 for Python3);
  • install the R packages (e.g. just data.table here);
  • copy the directory contents to the specified working directory /app.

This is replicated from my blog post at

Being specific on both Python and R versions will save you future headaches. This approach, for instance, will always install R v4.0 and Python v3.8

FROM r-base:4.0.3ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential libpq-dev python3.8 python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devRUN pip3 install --upgrade pipENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:/app"WORKDIR /appADD requirements.txt .ADD requirements.r .# installing python librariesRUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt# installing r librariesRUN Rscript requirements.r

And your requirements.r file should look like


I made an image for my personal projects, you could use this if you want: