How can I install the php memcached extension on Docker's PHP7 Alpine image? How can I install the php memcached extension on Docker's PHP7 Alpine image? docker docker

How can I install the php memcached extension on Docker's PHP7 Alpine image?

Currently the php-memcached-dev:php7 branch contains the source for this extension.

To install it you can still use the docker-php-ext-* commands but you need to checkout the source yourself.

Base Installation

Assuming everything required to install the extension is already installed you can do:

RUN git clone -b php7 /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \    && docker-php-ext-configure /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \        --disable-memcached-sasl \    && docker-php-ext-install /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \    && rm -rf /usr/src/php/ext/memcached

This block will clone the repository, configure and install the extension then clean up after it self.


It is most likely that you need to install to packages to build the extension, we can add and remove them by doing:

ENV MEMCACHED_DEPS zlib-dev libmemcached-dev cyrus-sasl-dev gitRUN set -xe \    && apk add --no-cache libmemcached-libs zlib \    && apk add --no-cache \        --virtual .memcached-deps \        $MEMCACHED_DEPS \    && git clone -b php7 /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \    && docker-php-ext-configure /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \        --disable-memcached-sasl \    && docker-php-ext-install /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \    && rm -rf /usr/src/php/ext/memcached \    && apk del .memcached-deps

Update 17 May 2017

memcached has been added to the official pecl libraries for php7 now (v3 -> php7/7.1, v2 -> php5)

This makes installation a bit different

FROM php:7.0-alpineENV MEMCACHED_DEPS zlib-dev libmemcached-dev cyrus-sasl-devRUN apk add --no-cache --update libmemcached-libs zlibRUN set -xe \    && apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .phpize-deps $PHPIZE_DEPS \    && apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .memcached-deps $MEMCACHED_DEPS \    && pecl install memcached \    && echo "" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/20_memcached.ini \    && rm -rf /usr/share/php7 \    && rm -rf /tmp/* \    && apk del .memcached-deps .phpize-deps

Try it.

FROM php:7.2.10-fpm-alpine3.7# Install PHP Extensions (igbinary & memcached)RUN apk add --no-cache --update libmemcached-libs zlibRUN set -xe && \    cd /tmp/ && \    apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .phpize-deps $PHPIZE_DEPS && \    apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .memcached-deps zlib-dev libmemcached-dev cyrus-sasl-dev && \# Install igbinary (memcached's deps)    pecl install igbinary && \# Install memcached    ( \        pecl install --nobuild memcached && \        cd "$(pecl config-get temp_dir)/memcached" && \        phpize && \        ./configure --enable-memcached-igbinary && \        make -j$(nproc) && \        make install && \        cd /tmp/ \    ) && \# Enable PHP extensions    docker-php-ext-enable igbinary memcached && \    rm -rf /tmp/* && \    apk del .memcached-deps .phpize-deps