How do i give a non root user access to docker when using docker-dind? How do i give a non root user access to docker when using docker-dind? docker docker

How do i give a non root user access to docker when using docker-dind?

When running a dind container, IE docker in docker, it its common place to volume mount /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock from the host into the dind-container.

When this occurs, the PID is not only owned by root, but by a numeric group id from the host.

Running the following inside the container should show you the host GID:

$ ls -alh /var/run/docker.socksrw-rw----    1 root     993            0 Apr 20  2017 /var/run/docker.sock

The above process is owned by group 993, 993 is derived from the host machines /etc/group -> docker role.

As it is nearly impossible to ensure that we have a common group id when the image is first built, the group id should be assigned at runtime using your file.

My personal goal is to get this runtime user of 'go' for a GO CD go-agent, but one could substitute this approach for jenkins or any other runtime user.

As the dind & go-agent are both based off alpine linux, the following will work for alpine-linux:

#setup docker group based on hosts mount gidecho "Adding hosts GID to docker system group"# this only works if the docker group does not already existDOCKER_SOCKET=/var/run/docker.sockDOCKER_GROUP=dockerBUILD_USER=goif [ -S ${DOCKER_SOCKET} ]; then    DOCKER_GID=$(stat -c '%g' ${DOCKER_SOCKET})    #addgroup is distribution specific    addgroup -S -g ${DOCKER_GID} ${DOCKER_GROUP}    addgroup  ${BUILD_USER} ${DOCKER_GROUP}fi

If you exec into the container, and cat your /etc/group file, you should see the following:


In order to allow other users to access Docker you need to:

sudo groupadd dockersudo usermod -aG docker go

If you are running this command as the go user, you need to logout and login after performing above task.