How do I reduce memory usage for .NET Core docker containers? How do I reduce memory usage for .NET Core docker containers? docker docker

How do I reduce memory usage for .NET Core docker containers?

I've tried a couple of approaches to fix this, and had a response from the .NET Core team, so I'll document here in case it's useful for others.

1) I have has some success specifying memory limits on the Docker container command-lines using the flags, eg. --memory="200m" --memory-swap="500m"; this can be used to control memory usage and prevent the server from running out of memory unexpectedly, but what I've seen is that the memory required by the container does not reduce significantly, it just gets forced into swap, which degrades the performance of the API. I have not tried --memory="200m" --memory-swap="200m" (ie. no swap allowed) - I will do that when I have a chance, I suspect the API will throw an Out Of Memory exception, or be seriously degraded.

2) The best solution with .NET 1.1 (if you need to limit memory) seems to be to switch the GC to workstation mode by putting <ServerGarbageCollection>false</ServerGarbageCollection> in the .csproj file PropertyGroup section. In my case this drops memory usage to 80-100mb per container. Server Garbage Collection is designed to handle memory clean up during periods of massive concurrency, so this is probably not a good solution if you are building APIs or sites which experience this, but our APIs have small numbers of concurrent users, so it seems to work well.

Longer term, I got a useful response from @janvorli on the CoreCLR team. Apparently this problem is caused by a bug in the .NET Core GC which will be fixed in the upcoming 2.0.2 release. You can read the detail in this issue on the Github repo (search for "ettery").