How do you stop Confluence application in Kubernetes running from a docker image? How do you stop Confluence application in Kubernetes running from a docker image? docker docker

How do you stop Confluence application in Kubernetes running from a docker image?

Apparently, the confluence java process is the "ENTRYPOINT" for the docker container, so when you kill the java process, it kills the container as well.

I would suggest that you create a persistent volume with readWriteMany attribute set and mount it to a temporary pod - say with ubuntu image.

You then use "kubectl cp" to copy the existing home directory to the persistent volume mounted on the ubuntu pod.

You can then make any modifications to the files as you please.Once done, just kill the ubuntu pod.

Your files will still be present on the persistent volume.

Now mount this persistent volume to /opt/atlassian/confluence in your confluence pod and it it should just work.