how `docker cp` command works how `docker cp` command works docker docker

how `docker cp` command works

First thing is, containers comes with 3 things

1) cgroups2) namespaces3) file systems

Each container spawn from an image is composed of all of these 3 things which means every container has their own file systems.

The command docker cp is used to copy files from host machine to container and vice versa. This command works even if container is in stop state or exited. Docker uses layered approach for storing images and when we run container by using this image, it creates one more writable layer above it which takes care of all the changes done inside the container. Agreed.

We called that writable layer as container layer. Once you exit from the container this writable layer gone which means you have not commit the changes or nothing has been newly written into this writable layer. If you have done the commit you will get the new docker image with this additional writable layer with newly created image. When a container is deleted, any data written to the container that is not stored in a data volume is deleted along with the container.

docker cp command works even when the container state is exited which means it is does store somewhere on the host machine. Now, another point this is not a data volume which is a directory or file system that we can mount directly into a container. So, the data inside the container is managed by the storage driver. In CentOS its devicemapper which stores images and layers contains in the thinpool, and expose them to containers by mounting them under sub-directories of /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/. The /var/lib/devicemapper/mnt/ directory contains a mount point for each image and container layer that exists. Image layer mount points are empty, but a container’s mount point shows the container’s filesystem as it appears from within the container. It uses snapshot mechanism where each image layer is the snapshot of the layer below it.

Data resides at the block level of parent image of the container where we request the cp command. As container is a snapshot of the image, it doesn't have the block, but it has a pointer to the block on the nearest parent image where it does exist, and it reads the respective block from there and copy it which will be available for our docker cp command. And, if the container is exited the request will directly go to the block of respective parent image and from where the files available for copying.

Hope you understand the terminology. Now, you can test it by experimenting with the layers and containers. All the Best.

The docker container is not deleted when it exits, unless you use the --rm option. Instead, you can use docker cp to copy files to and from the container after it exits:

$ docker run --name run1 alpine sh -c "date > /tmp/test.txt"$ docker cp run1:/tmp/test.txt test.txt$ cat test.txtFri Oct  6 19:23:09 UTC 2017

You asked where those files are stored, so we need to do some digging. All of the docker data files seem to be under /var/lib/docker, so I looked around and found something under the overlay2 folder.

$ sudo ls -lt /var/lib/docker/100000.100000/overlay2total 180drwx------ 5 100000 100000 4096 Oct  6 12:23 bda6a77ed8fad218f738f32a149d4f9f9e46b103675b8b8f990f48e3339fd315drwx------ 2 100000 100000 4096 Oct  6 12:23 ldrwx------ 5 100000 100000 4096 Oct  6 12:23 bda6a77ed8fad218f738f32a149d4f9f9e46b103675b8b8f990f48e3339fd315-initdrwx------ 3 100000 100000 4096 Oct  6 10:30 9c2aa6553beac112794143531e7760add2c94733898ae0674c5da30c3feb9451...

There are many more folders there, but the most recent one probably has what we're looking for. The diff folder seems to hold all the files that changed between the image and the container. If I look in there, I find the file I created.

$ sudo ls -l /var/lib/docker/100000.100000/overlay2/bda6a77ed8fad218f738f32a149d4f9f9e46b103675b8b8f990f48e3339fd315/difftotal 4drwxrwxrwt 2 100000 100000 4096 Oct  6 12:23 tmp$ sudo ls -l /var/lib/docker/100000.100000/overlay2/bda6a77ed8fad218f738f32a149d4f9f9e46b103675b8b8f990f48e3339fd315/diff/tmptotal 4-rw-r--r-- 1 100000 100000 29 Oct  6 12:23 test.txt$ sudo cat /var/lib/docker/100000.100000/overlay2/bda6a77ed8fad218f738f32a149d4f9f9e46b103675b8b8f990f48e3339fd315/diff/tmp/test.txtFri Oct  6 19:23:09 UTC 2017$ 

docker cp just does all the digging for me. Much easier. I'm using docker 17.09.0-ce, and I wouldn't be surprised if this internal structure changes from version to version.