How to access redmine log folder inside a docker after a docker-compose? How to access redmine log folder inside a docker after a docker-compose? docker docker

How to access redmine log folder inside a docker after a docker-compose?

From what I understand, you are trying to access the logs of redmine container but you found the .\redmine_files\logs directory empty. First, you need to check whether there are logs in the docker /var/log/redmine directory or not. You can do so by running commands in redmine shell itself. Use the command docker exec -it redmine /bin/bash to move to redmine shell and cd to /var/log/redmine to check if the logs are present there or not. If you don't find the logs there then that means that there was not logs to be replicated to ./redmine_files/logs. If you find the logs in /var/log/redmine then there must be some issue with your docker-compose file, but it seems fine to me. Also, as @Mihai has suggested you can check the logs of redmine using the command sudo docker-compose logs redmine to see if it is running properly or not.

this docked image host redmine under /usr/src/redmine/ so you should use

- .\redmine_files\logs:/usr/src/redmine/log