How to call one microservice from another microservice using docker images How to call one microservice from another microservice using docker images docker docker

How to call one microservice from another microservice using docker images

Trying to communicate with the other container won't work with localhost.

You should create a custom bridged network, which will allow you to refer to the containers by name. And there is no need to publish the ports if you are only talking internally.

# create networkdocker network create -d bridge mynet# container 1docker container run --network mynet --name container1 -d image_name# container 2docker container run --network mynet --name container2 -d some_other_image_name

The IP in code snippet can then be replaced with the name of the other container

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();ResponseEntity<Boolean> isUp = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://container2:2002/apis/test",Boolean.class)

Alternately, you can also link the two containers together by --link. Assuming you want container1 as client to container2, you can use below:

sudo docker run --link container2 --name=container1 -d image_name