How to compile a Flutter application on a docker container on Intellij Idea? How to compile a Flutter application on a docker container on Intellij Idea? docker docker

How to compile a Flutter application on a docker container on Intellij Idea?

Seems like this is not something that is currently supported in IntelliJ, according to a forum-post answered by JetBrains staff.

How I see it, you have three options:

  1. Switch to Visual Studio Code and follow these instructions
  2. Use the in the forum-post mentioned Projector, which runs your IDE on a Server and you can connect to it using a web browser, or a Electron desktop client
  3. Expose your SDKs from your Docker container and set the paths manually on your host system

With #3 I mean something like this, when running your container:

docker container run -itd \   -v /local/path/to/sdk:/docker/path/to/sdk \   devimage

and then in your IDE you can set the path to that, or you could even set some environment variables like e.g. ANDROID_HOME to point to the local bind location.

You may try this.

  1. Go to File -> Project Structure
  2. Set the path for Module, Library, Project, and SDK

Sometimes IntelliJ requires the PATH setup here.