How to configure Jaeger with elasticsearch? How to configure Jaeger with elasticsearch? docker docker

How to configure Jaeger with elasticsearch?

After searching a solution for some time, I found a docker-compose.yml file which had the Jaeger Query,Agent,collector and Elasticsearch configurations.


  version: "3"services:  elasticsearch:    image:    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    ports:      - ""      - ""    restart: on-failure    environment:      -      - discovery.type=single-node      -      -      - ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m      -    volumes:      - esdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data  jaeger-collector:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-collector    ports:      - "14269:14269"      - "14268:14268"      - "14267:14267"      - "9411:9411"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch    command: [      "--es.server-urls=http://elasticsearch:9200",      "--es.num-shards=1",      "--es.num-replicas=0",      "--log-level=error"    ]    depends_on:      - elasticsearch  jaeger-agent:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-agent    hostname: jaeger-agent    command: [""]    ports:      - "5775:5775/udp"      - "6831:6831/udp"      - "6832:6832/udp"      - "5778:5778"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch    depends_on:      - jaeger-collector  jaeger-query:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-query    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch      - no_proxy=localhost    ports:      - "16686:16686"      - "16687:16687"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    command: [      "--es.server-urls=http://elasticsearch:9200",      "--span-storage.type=elasticsearch",      "--log-level=debug"    ]    depends_on:      - jaeger-agentvolumes:  esdata:    driver: localnetworks:  elastic-jaeger:    driver: bridge 

The docker-compose.yml file installs the elasticsearch, Jaeger collector,query and agent.

Install docker and docker compose first

Then, execute these commands in order

 1. sudo docker-compose up -d elasticsearch2. sudo docker-compose up -d 3. sudo docker ps -a

start all the docker containers - Jaeger agent,collector,query and elasticsearch.

sudo docker start container-id

access -> http://localhost:16686/

As I mentioned in my comment on the OP's first answer above, I was getting an error when running the docker-compose exactly as given:

Error: unknown flag:

I think this CLI flag has been deprecated by the Jaeger folks since that answer was written. So I poked around in the jaeger-agent documentation a bit:


And I got this to work with a couple of small modifications:

  1. I added port range "14250:14250" to the jaeger-collector ports
  2. I updated the jaeger-agent command input with: command: [""]
  3. Finally, I updated the ellastic search version in the image tag to the latest version they have available at this time (though I doubt this was required).

The updated docker-compose.yaml:

version: "3"services:  elasticsearch:    image:    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    ports:      - ""      - ""    restart: on-failure    environment:      -      - discovery.type=single-node      -      -      - ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m      -    volumes:      - esdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data  jaeger-collector:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-collector    ports:      - "14269:14269"      - "14268:14268"      - "14267:14267"      - "14250:14250"      - "9411:9411"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch    command: [      "--es.server-urls=http://elasticsearch:9200",      "--es.num-shards=1",      "--es.num-replicas=0",      "--log-level=error"    ]    depends_on:      - elasticsearch  jaeger-agent:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-agent    hostname: jaeger-agent    command: [""]    ports:      - "5775:5775/udp"      - "6831:6831/udp"      - "6832:6832/udp"      - "5778:5778"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch    depends_on:      - jaeger-collector  jaeger-query:    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-query    environment:      - SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch      - no_proxy=localhost    ports:      - "16686:16686"      - "16687:16687"    networks:      - elastic-jaeger    restart: on-failure    command: [      "--es.server-urls=http://elasticsearch:9200",      "--span-storage.type=elasticsearch",      "--log-level=debug"    ]    depends_on:      - jaeger-agentvolumes:  esdata:    driver: localnetworks:  elastic-jaeger:    driver: bridge 

If you would like to deploy the Jaeger with Elasticsearch and Kibana to quickly validate and check the stack e.g. in kind or Minikube, the following snippet may help you.

######################### Add jaegertracing helm repo#######################helm repo add jaegertracing Create a target namespace#######################kubectl create namespace observability######################### Check and use the jaegertracing helm chart#######################helm search repo jaegertracinghelm install -n observability jaeger-operator jaegertracing/jaeger-operator######################### Use the elasticsearch all-in-one operator#######################kubectl apply -f Create an elasticsearch deployment#######################cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n observability -f -apiVersion: Elasticsearchmetadata:  name: quickstartspec:  version: 7.7.0  nodeSets:  - name: default    count: 1    config:      node.master: true true      node.ingest: true falseEOFPASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n observability quickstart-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode)kubectl create secret -n observability generic jaeger-secret --from-literal=ES_PASSWORD=${PASSWORD} --from-literal=ES_USERNAME=elastic######################### Kibana to visualize the trace data#######################cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n observability -f -apiVersion: Kibanametadata:  name: quickstartspec:  version: 7.7.0  count: 1  elasticsearchRef:    name: quickstartEOFkubectl port-forward -n observability service/quickstart-kb-http 5601## To get the pwkubectl get secret quickstart-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode; echologin:https://localhost:5601username: elasticpw: <see above to outcome of the command>######################### Deploy a jaeger tracing application#######################cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n observability -f -apiVersion: Jaegermetadata:  name: simple-prodspec:  agent:    strategy: DaemonSet  strategy: production  storage:    type: elasticsearch    options:      es:        server-urls: https://quickstart-es-http:9200        tls:          ca: /es/certificates/ca.crt        num-shards: 1        num-replicas: 0    secretName: jaeger-secret  volumeMounts:    - name: certificates      mountPath: /es/certificates/      readOnly: true  volumes:    - name: certificates      secret:        secretName: quickstart-es-http-certs-publicEOF## to visualize itkubectl --namespace observability port-forward simple-prod-query-<POP ID> 16686:16686######################### To test the setup## Of course if you set it up to another namespace it will work, the only thing that matters is the collector URL and PORT#######################cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n observability -f -apiVersion: v1kind: Listitems:- apiVersion: apps/v1  kind: Deployment  metadata:    name: jaeger-k8s-example    labels:      app: jaeger-k8s-example  spec:    replicas: 1    selector:      matchLabels:        app: jaeger-k8s-example    strategy:      type: Recreate    template:      metadata:        labels:          app: jaeger-k8s-example      spec:        containers:          - name: jaeger-k8s-example            env:            - name: JAEGER_COLLECTOR_URL              value: "simple-prod-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local"            - name: JAEGER_COLLECTOR_PORT              value: "14268"            image: norbertfenk/jaeger-k8s-example:latest            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresentEOF