How to copy files from host to Docker container? How to copy files from host to Docker container? docker docker

How to copy files from host to Docker container?

The cp command can be used to copy files.

One specific file can be copied TO the container like:

docker cp foo.txt container_id:/foo.txt

One specific file can be copied FROM the container like:

docker cp container_id:/foo.txt foo.txt

For emphasis, container_id is a container ID, not an image ID. (Use docker ps to view listing which includes container_ids.)

Multiple files contained by the folder src can be copied into the target folder using:

docker cp src/. container_id:/targetdocker cp container_id:/src/. target

Reference: Docker CLI docs for cp

In Docker versions prior to 1.8 it was only possible to copy files from a container to the host. Not from the host to a container.

  1. Get container name or short container id:

    $ docker ps
  2. Get full container id:

    $ docker inspect -f   '{{.Id}}'  SHORT_CONTAINER_ID-or-CONTAINER_NAME
  3. Copy file:

    $ sudo cp path-file-host /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/FULL_CONTAINER_ID/PATH-NEW-FILE


$ docker psCONTAINER ID      IMAGE    COMMAND       CREATED      STATUS       PORTS        NAMESd8e703d7e303   solidleon/ssh:latest      /usr/sbin/sshd -D                      cranky_pare$ docker inspect -f   '{{.Id}}' cranky_pare


$ docker inspect -f   '{{.Id}}' d8e703d7e303d8e703d7e3039a6df6d01bd7fb58d1882e592a85059eb16c4b83cf91847f88e5$ sudo cp file.txt /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/**d8e703d7e3039a6df6d01bd7fb58d1882e592a85059eb16c4b83cf91847f88e5**/root/file.txt

The cleanest way is to mount a host directory on the container when starting the container:

{host} docker run -v /path/to/hostdir:/mnt --name my_container my_image{host} docker exec -it my_container bash{container} cp /mnt/sourcefile /path/to/destfile