How to create a mysql kubernetes service with a locally mounted data volume? How to create a mysql kubernetes service with a locally mounted data volume? docker docker

How to create a mysql kubernetes service with a locally mounted data volume?

You must create a Persistent Volume, defining the Storage Class as Local, then map it to local path.

Creating Storage Class


kind: StorageClassapiVersion:  name: local-storageprovisioner: WaitForFirstConsumer

Then run kubectl create -f storage-class.yml

Creating Persistent Value


apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumemetadata:  name: local-pvspec:  capacity:    storage: 10Gi  accessModes:  - ReadWriteOnce  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain  storageClassName: local-storage  local:    path: /mnt/data  nodeAffinity:    required:      nodeSelectorTerms:      - matchExpressions:        - key:          operator: In          values:          - cka

Create persistent volume running kubectl create -f pv-sdc.yml

A last, create persistent volume claim


kind: PersistentVolumeClaimapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: pvc1spec:  accessModes:  - ReadWriteOnce  storageClassName: local-storage  resources:    requests:      storage: 10Gi

Create persistent volume clain running kubectl create -f pvc1.yml

To list persistent values run kubectl get pv. You should see some output like

NAME           CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      CLAIM     STORAGECLASS    REASON    AGElocal-pv       10Gi      RWO            Retain           Available             local-storage             10s

The persistent volume will be available as soon as a node uses it.

This post may help you little bit more.