How to create a queue in RabbitMQ upon startup How to create a queue in RabbitMQ upon startup docker docker

How to create a queue in RabbitMQ upon startup

You are almost there actually.

RabbitMQ has a rule that the "guest" user can only connect from localhost. Since you are running it on a docker, I'm assuming you are trying to access it from outside by exposing port "15672" by doing: docker run <rabbitmq-docker-img> -p 15672:15672

So to get around this, what you have to do is create a user with admin privileges.

Firstly, change this:

rabbit:    image: rabbitmq:management-alpine    environment:      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: user      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: password

You can use ath, I used user/password as your user/password.

In your Dockerfile, you can add: EXPOSE 15672 If you don't want to expose each time you run.

Lastly, make amends to your definitions.json file as follows:

{    "users": [      {        "name": "user",          "password_hash": "password",        "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",        "tags": "administrator"      }    ],    "vhosts":[        {"name":"/"}    ],    "queues":[        {"name":"qwer","vhost":"/","durable":true,"auto_delete":false,"arguments":{}}    ]}

Let me know how it goes!

Check out this link

Use this Dockerfile:

FROM rabbitmq# Define environment variables.ENV RABBITMQ_USER userENV RABBITMQ_PASSWORD passwordADD /init.shEXPOSE 15672# Define default commandCMD ["/"]

And use this

#!/bin/sh# Create Rabbitmq user( sleep 5 ; \rabbitmqctl add_user $RABBITMQ_USER $RABBITMQ_PASSWORD 2>/dev/null ; \rabbitmqctl set_user_tags $RABBITMQ_USER administrator ; \rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / $RABBITMQ_USER  ".*" ".*" ".*" ; \echo "*** User '$RABBITMQ_USER' with password '$RABBITMQ_PASSWORD' completed. ***" ; \echo "*** Log in the WebUI at port 15672 (example: http:/localhost:15672) ***") &# $@ is used to pass arguments to the rabbitmq-server command.# For example if you use it like this: docker run -d rabbitmq arg1 arg2,# it will be as you run in the container rabbitmq-server arg1 arg2rabbitmq-server $@