How to create tun interface inside Docker container image? How to create tun interface inside Docker container image? docker docker

How to create tun interface inside Docker container image?

I managed to work around this by programmatically creating the TUN device in our software that needs it (which are mostly unit tests). In the setup of the program we can create a temporary file node with major/minor code 10/200:

        // Create a random temporary filename. We are not using tmpfile() or the        // usual suspects because we need to create the temp file using mknod(),        // below.        snprintf(tmp_filename_, IFNAMSIZ, "/tmp/ect_%d_%d", rand(), rand());        // Create a temporary file node for use as a TUN interface.        // Device 10, 200 is the device code for a TAP/TUN device.        // See        int result = mknod(tmp_filename_, S_IFCHR | 0644, makedev(10, 200));        if (result < 0) {            perror("Failed to make temporary file");        }        ASSERT_GE(result, 0);

and then in the tear-down of the program we close and delete the temporary file.

One issue remaining is this program only works when run as the root user because the program doesn't have cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw capabilities. Another annoyance that can be worked-around.

The /dev directory is special, and Docker build steps cannot really put anything there. That also is mentioned in an answer to question 56346114.

Apparently a device in /dev isn't a file with data in it, but a placeholder, an address, a pointer, a link to driver code in memory that does something when accessed. Such driver code in memory is not something that a Docker image would hold.

I got device creation working in a container by putting your command line code in an .sh script wrapping the app we really want to run.