How to create user in mongodb with docker-compose How to create user in mongodb with docker-compose docker docker

How to create user in mongodb with docker-compose

The official mongo image now supports following environment variables that can be used in docker-compose as below:


more explanation at:

This is how I do it, my requirement was to bring up a few containers along with mongodb, the other containers expect a user to be present when they come up, this worked for me. The good part is, the mongoClientTemp exits after the command is executed so the container doesn't stick around.

version: '2'services:  mongo:   image: mongo:latest   container_name: mongo   ports:    - "27017:27017"   volumes:    - /app/hdp/mongo/data:/data/db  mongoClientTemp:   image: mongo:latest   container_name: mongoClientTemp   links:    - mongo:mongo   command: mongo --host mongo --eval  "db.getSiblingDB('dashboard').createUser({user:'db', pwd:'dbpass', roles:[{role:'readWrite',db:'dashboard'}]});"   depends_on:    - mongo  another-container:   image: another-image:v01   container_name: another-container   ports:    - "8080:8080"   volumes:    - ./logs:/app/logs   environment:    - MONGODB_HOST=mongo    - MONGODB_PORT=27017   links:    - mongo:mongo   depends_on:    - mongoClientTemp

EDIT: tutumcloud repository is deprecated and no longer maintained, see other answers

I suggest that you use environment variables to set mongo user, database and password. tutum (owned by Docker) published a very good image

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -p 28017:28017 -e MONGODB_USER="user" -e MONGODB_DATABASE="mydatabase" -e MONGODB_PASS="mypass" tutum/mongodb

You may convert these variables into docker-compose environments variables. You don't have to hard code it.

environment:    MONGODB_USER: "${db_user_env}"    MONGODB_DATABASE: "${dbname_env}"    MONGODB_PASS: "${db_pass}"

This configuration will read from your session's environment variables.