How to deploy a large docker image to Pivotal Cloud Foundry How to deploy a large docker image to Pivotal Cloud Foundry docker docker

How to deploy a large docker image to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Let me just start by saying that you, as a developer/end user, of Cloud Foundry cannot change settings in Cloud Controller, which is a system level component. Only your operator could do that.

If you could change settings in Cloud Controller, that would void all the limits set by Cloud Controller and your platform operators, as you could just set them as high as you want.

Cloud Controller will set a default disk size, which takes effect if you do not set one, and it will set a maximum disk size, which limits you from consuming too much disk on the foundation and impacting other users.

I don't believe there is a way to fetch the max disk space allowed by Cloud Controller & your platform operator other than just specifying a large disk quota (try cf push -k 99999G) and looking at the response.

As you can see from your response, Cloud Controller will tell you in the error message the maximum allowed value. In your case, the most it will allow is 2G.

The app is invalid: disk_quota too much disk requested (requested 4096 MB - must be less than 2048 MB)

There's nothing you can do to get a disk above 2G, other than write to your platform operator and ask them to increase this value. If this is your company's platform, then that is probably the best option.

If you are using a public provider, then you're probably better looking at other providers. There are several public, certified providers you can use. See the list here ->

Hope that helps!