How to docker exec -ti CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash on deployed docker stack? How to docker exec -ti CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash on deployed docker stack? docker docker

How to docker exec -ti CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash on deployed docker stack?

The other answers failed, because they no not extract the container it from the task. Swarm wraps a task object around a container:

taskid=$(docker service ps -q ${servicename} |head -1) containerid=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID}}' ${taskid}) docker exec -it ${containerid} "$*"

Of course, this will only take the first container in the list.

Here is an example on my local macOS.

$ docker stack lsNAME                SERVICESgospot_web          1$ docker service lsID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                               PORTSqigx492p2lbe        gospot_web_web      global              1/1                 gospot/gospot-web:0.1.20.g225306b   *:80->80/tcp, *:443->443/tcp

You can use either container id or container name to access the container.

$ docker psCONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                 PORTS               NAMESb3824a85d3c8        gospot/gospot-web:0.1.20.g225306b   "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours (healthy)   80/tcp, 443/tcp     gospot_web_web.3cqcd1v22vaon517j7p5h1d9a.wrel676fcllssrm3151ymkse9$ docker exec -it b3824a85d3c8 sh/ # lsbin    etc    lib    mnt    root   sbin   sys    usrdev    home   media  proc   run    srv    tmp    var/ #$ docker exec -it gospot_web_web.3cqcd1v22vaon517j7p5h1d9a.wrel676fcllssrm3151ymkse9 sh/ # lsbin    dev    etc    home   lib    media  mnt    proc   root   run    sbin   srv    sys    tmp    usr    var/ #

If the target service name is unique enough, you can use the following one-liner.

$ docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep gospot_web_web | awk '{print $1}') sh/ # lsbin    etc    lib    mnt    root   sbin   sys    usrdev    home   media  proc   run    srv    tmp    var/ #

Hope this helps.

You can use below command and replace SERVICE_NAME with your service name:

docker exec -it \    $(docker stack ps pipeline| grep SERVICE_NAME | cut -d' ' -f1) /bin/bash

this command finds the container id of your service:

docker stack ps pipeline| grep SERVICE_NAME | cut -d' ' -f1