How to get docker ip and port in spring boot bootstrap.yml file How to get docker ip and port in spring boot bootstrap.yml file docker docker

How to get docker ip and port in spring boot bootstrap.yml file

The problem that you might face when running inside a Docker container is that when trying to recover the hostname or IP Address, you will get the internal Docker hostname and internal IP Address.

A solution that I have used in similar problems, is to:

  • Inject the hostname of the Docker Host when creating the container.
  • Expose the container port in the Docker Host

For instance:

  • Set up the property to take the address from outside:

    discovery:   health-check-path: /actuator/health   healthCheckInterval: 20s   scheme: http   enabled: true   address:${HOSTNAME:server.address}
  • When running your container, provide the value of the HOSTNAME property:

    docker run -e -p 8500:8500 my_docker_image

With this, the endpoint you are defining in your service will be accessible for anyone making health checks from outside.

Hope it helps.