How to ignore folders to send in docker build context How to ignore folders to send in docker build context docker docker

How to ignore folders to send in docker build context

You can create .dockerignore in your root directory and add


to it, just like .gitignore does during tracking files, docker will ignore these folders/files during the build.


You can include docker-compose.yml file in your root directory, look at docker-compose for all the options, such as setting environment, running a specific command, etc, that you can use during the build process.

version: "3"services:  microservice1:    build:      context: .      dockerfile: ./microservice1/Dockerfile    volumes:      - "./path/to/share:/path/to/mount/on/container"    ports:      - "<host>:<container>"    links:      - rootservice # defines a dns record in /etc/hosts to point to rootservice  microservice2:    build:      context: .      dockerfile: ./microservice2/Dockerfile    volumes:      - "./path/to/share:/path/to/mount/on/container"    ports:      - "<host>:<container>"    links:      - rootservice # defines a dns record in /etc/hosts to point to rootservice      - microservice1  rootservice:    build:      context: .      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile    volumes:      - "./path/to/share:/path/to/mount/on/container"    ports:      - "<host>:<container>"    depends_on:      - microservice1      - microservice2    ports:      - "<host1>:<container1>"      - "<host2>:<container2>"

This will be your build recipe for your microservices, you can now run docker-compose build to build all your images.

If the only tool you have is Docker, there aren't very many choices. The key problem is that there is only one .dockerignore file. That means you always have to use your project root directory as the Docker context directory (including every services' sources), but you can tell Docker which specific Dockerfile within that to use. (Note that all COPY directives will be relative to the rootFolder in this case.)

docker build rootFolder -f microservice1/Dockerfile -t micro/service1:20190831.01

In many languages there is a way to package up the library (C .a, .h, and .so files; Java .jar files; Python wheels; ...). If your language supports that, another option is to build the library, then copy (not symlink) the library into each service's build tree. Using Python's wheel format as an example:

pip wheel ./libcp microlib.whl microservice1docker build microservice1 -t micro/service1:20190831.01# Dockerfile needs to# RUN pip install ./microlib.whl

Another useful variant on this is a manual multi-stage build. You can have lib/Dockerfile pick some base image, and then install the library into that base image. Then each service's Dockerfile starts FROM the library image, and has it preinstalled. Using a C library as an example:

# I am lib/Dockerfile# Build stageFROM ubuntu:18.04 AS buildRUN apt-get update && apt-get install build-essentialWORKDIR /srcCOPY ./ ./RUN ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make# This is a typical pattern implemented by GNU Autoconf:# it actually writes files into /src/out/usr/local/...RUN make install DESTDIR=/src/out# Install stage -- service images are based on thisFROM ubuntu:18.04COPY --from=build /src/out /RUN ldconfig
# I am microservice1/DockerfileARG VERSION=latestFROM micro/lib:${VERSION}# From the base image, there are already# /usr/local/include/microlib.h and /usr/local/lib/libmicro.soCOPY ...RUN gcc ... -lmicroCMD ...

There is also usually an option (again, depending on your language and its packaging system) to upload your built library to some server, possibly one you're running yourself. (A Python pip requirements.txt file can contain an arbitrary HTTP URL for a wheel, for example.) If you do this then you can just declare your library as an ordinary dependency, and this problem goes away.

Which of these works better for you depends on your language and runtime, and how much automation of multiple coordinated docker build commands you're willing to do.