How to increase max_connection in official postgreSQL 10.0 docker image How to increase max_connection in official postgreSQL 10.0 docker image docker docker

How to increase max_connection in official postgreSQL 10.0 docker image

run this docker-compose.yml

version: '2'services:  postgres:    image: postgres:10.3-alpine    command: postgres -c 'max_connections=200'    environment:      POSTGRES_DB: pgdb      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres      POSTGRES_USER: postgres    stdin_open: true    tty: true    ports:    - 5432:5432/tcp

It is as simple as (you just override the default CMD with postgres -N 500):

docker run -d --name db postgres:10 postgres -N 500

You can check it using:

docker run -it --rm --link db:db postgres psql -h db -U postgresshow max_connections;max_connections -----------------500(1 row)

You need to develop a init script. Accept max connections value from environment variable and update it during start up from init script. Finally launch postgreSQL service