How to install plugin on github to Kibana running on Container How to install plugin on github to Kibana running on Container docker docker

How to install plugin on github to Kibana running on Container

You can download plugins and install in your container if you create a Dockerfile for instance. This will allow you to have an image turning Kibana including the plugin.

Kibana has this command to install plugins: kibana-plugin install

For instance, adding the plugin KNQL could be done this way:

FROM kibana:5.6.6ENV PATH /usr/share/kibana/bin:$PATH# Documentation kibana-plugin install \""# curl and jq are used for the healthcheckRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl jqHEALTHCHECK --interval=1s \--retries=600 \CMD curl -f http://localhost:5601/api/status | jq '. | .status.overall.state' | grep -q green

As you can see I've added a Healtcheck at the end, check the documentation to learn more about this.